Chang Ucchin Museum In Yangju
Site 6,600m2, Net Area 1,650m2
Year 2014
Permanent Collection Gallery, Temporary Exhibition, Chang Ucchin Foundation Library, Vault, Administration, Café
2014 Kim Swoogeun Award / 2014 Korean Institute of Architecture Award
2014 김수근건축상 / 2014 한국건축가협회상
We imagined a museum that would be like a house, with different sized rooms and surprises, dark corners and a variety of views. It was a house for Chang Ucchin.
Chang Ucchin (1917-1991) was a preeminent painter of the Korean modern period. He was influenced by European pre-war painters as well as Korean traditional painting. Like the painter’s work, the design is neither shaped as a modern museum nor a korean traditional space. Instead it was inspired by a few selected paintings, describing house scenes, landscapes and animals.
These paintings became mental images of shapes and spaces that we translated into this large house with different views on the Korean countryside.
The museum was listed in "8 best museums of 2014" by the BBC
Photographs by 박원순 and Thierry Sauvage