Silver Shack in Sangsu
Year 2009 / Site Area; 119㎡, Net Area; 261㎡
2009 Young Architects Awards / 2009 젊은건축가상 (문화체육관광부)
2016 Venice Biennale (Korean Pavilion group exhibition)
In the popular neighborhood of Sangsu, this 3 storey housing was designed in the simplest way; a concrete wedge covered in aluminum foil insulation, tehn wrapped in translucent plastic. Despite the roughness of the construction details, the skin creates as a delicate relation with the environment: The polycarbonate skin gives a gentle blur from inside, while the aluminium foil insulation reflects the sky colors. Not far away the power plant releases its white plume of fake clouds...

Photographs: Park Wansoon, Thierry Sauvage and Chae Pereira