Upcycle Art Center in Gwangmyeong, Korea​​​​​​​
Gwangmyeong Upcycle Art Center: 1,495m2 / theatre, exhibition hall, administration, artists residence, café
Eco-Education Center: 480m2 / workshop, lecture, meeting and storage rooms.
2016 Local cultural representative brand 2016 Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism / 2016 문화체육관광부 지역문화대표브랜드
Situated in Gahaksan Mountain, on a former mining site that was converted into a waste-to-energy power plant a new cultural institution was created by Gwangmyeong city, nearby Seoul.  
Our first task was to assist in the design of a program that would emphasize creative processes related to Upcycle Art, along with the educative mission related to the ecological and social issues of Waste, Recycling and Upcycling. 
The Upcycle Art Center is situated in a large building renovation, while the Eco Education Center was placed in an new extension. The Eco Education Center is built like a greenhouse that contains classrooms and workshops. The steel structure is left apparent, and the polycarbonate skin acts like a blurry filter that brings the light in, allowing to catch glimpses of the interior activity. The spaces are used by the artists in residence as well as the educational programs for children and adults.
Photographs: Thierry Sauvage
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