Godzilla House In Itaewon, Seoul
Site 202 m², Net Area 365 m²
Year 2007
2009 Seoul Architecture Award for Excellence in Housing
2009 Korea Architects Association Um Deok-moon Special Award for Excellent Housing Award
2009 서울시건축상 주거부문 우수상 / 2009 한국건축가협회특별상 엄덕문상 서울시건축상 주거부문 우수상
The house is at the meeting point of three winding streets, on a dense hill of opulent houses. On narrow terrain, the space of the house forms a regulatory curve, drawn by the vehicle's line of motion. This curve is used to generate a continuous circulation space linking the three levels of the house.
The curved façade envelops the house in a continuous band: a dragon skin of stainless steel scales, the dark and changing color of which comes from a custom corrosion process.
In contrast, the interior is flooded with light whose color varies with orientation. The space of the suspended staircase, along the curves, is designed as the heart of the house.
Photographs: Nils Clauss and Chae Pereira Architects